Everything You Need To Know About 17 May 2023 : Pib

17 May 2023 : PIB

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Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The PIB ( Press Information Bureau )




1. PM praises efforts towards self-employment of women.

Topic: GS1, GS3 – Indian society, Indian economy.


      • Prime Minister praised the efforts as 27,000 women in Mumbai were empowered by distributing tools and machines for self-employment under the BMC’s scheme.


Status of women’s employment in India:

      • Workforce Participation Rate: According to the World Bank’s data from 2020, the female labour force participation rate in India was 20.3%. However, it’s important to note that this rate can vary depending on the source and the definition of the workforce.

      • Gender Wage Gap: The gender wage gap remains a concern in India. As per the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) 2019-20, women in India earn, on average, around 34% less than men for performing the same work.

Significance of women’s employment in India:

The significance of women’s employment in India is multifaceted and plays a crucial role in the country’s social, economic, and political development. Here are some key points highlighting the significance of women’s employment:

      • Economic growth and development: Women’s participation in the workforce contribute to economic growth and development by increasing the labour force participation rate. It expands the talent pool and brings diverse perspectives, skills, and experiences to the workplace, fostering innovation and productivity. Studies suggest increasing women’s participation in labour can lead to higher GDP growth rates.

      • Poverty reduction: Women’s employment is instrumental in reducing poverty and improving household living standards. When women earn income, it directly benefits their families and communities, as they allocate a significant portion of their earnings towards their children’s education, healthcare, and nutrition. This, in turn, helps break the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

      • Empowerment and gender equality: Employment empowers women by providing them with financial independence, decision-making power, and a sense of self-worth. It challenges traditional gender roles and norms, promoting gender equality. Women’s economic empowerment contributes to their overall well-being, social status, and ability to participate in decision-making processes at various levels.

      • Health and well-being: Women’s employment can have positive effects on their health and well-being. It increases access to healthcare services and promotes awareness about reproductive health, leading to improved maternal and child health outcomes. Moreover, employment provides a platform for women to develop skills, build social networks, and enhance their self-esteem, positively impacting their mental health.

      • Demographic dividend: India is home to a large young population, and utilizing the potential of women in the workforce can harness the demographic dividend. Encouraging women’s employment ensures that a significant segment of the population is actively engaged in productive activities, contributing to economic growth and mitigating the potential challenges of a growing population.

      • Political representation and decision-making: When women are economically empowered, they are more likely to participate in politics, stand for elections, and voice their concerns, leading to a more inclusive and representative democracy.

      • Social transformation: Women’s employment plays a crucial role in bringing about social transformation by challenging gender stereotypes, promoting gender equity, and fostering inclusive workplaces. It sets an example for future generations, inspiring girls to pursue education, careers, and aspirations beyond traditional gender roles.

Challenges for woman employment generation in India:

      • Gender discrimination: Women often face biases in hiring practices, unequal pay for equal work, limited access to promotions and leadership positions, and workplace harassment. Deep-rooted societal norms and stereotypes about women’s roles and capabilities continue to hinder their participation in certain industries and occupations.

      • Lack of access to education and skills development: Limited access to quality education and skill development opportunities is a major challenge for women’s employment.

      • Limited access to finance and resources: Women often face challenges in accessing financial resources, credit facilities, and collateral, which are essential for starting and expanding businesses. Limited financial literacy and the absence of targeted financial services tailored to women’s needs further exacerbate these challenges.

      • Social and cultural barriers: Patriarchal attitudes, expectations of women’s primary responsibility for household chores and caregiving, and restrictions on mobility can limit women’s access to employment opportunities. Societal pressure to conform to traditional gender roles and resistance to women working outside the home can discourage women from pursuing careers.

      • Safety and security concerns: Women face risks of harassment, violence, and discrimination in public spaces and workplaces. Inadequate measures to ensure their safety and address these issues can deter women from seeking employment or force them to opt for less desirable or lower-paying jobs.

      • Lack of supportive policies and infrastructure: Inadequate maternity leave provisions, lack of affordable and accessible childcare facilities, and limited flexible work arrangements make it challenging for women to balance work and family responsibilities. Additionally, the availability of safe and reliable public transportation is crucial to ensure women’s mobility and access to employment opportunities.

      • Rural-urban divide: Women in rural areas face additional challenges compared to their urban counterparts. Limited access to formal employment opportunities, lack of infrastructure, and cultural barriers are more prevalent in rural areas.

Way Forward:

      • Promoting gender equality and changing social norms: Society needs to challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes and promote a culture of gender equality. This can be achieved through awareness campaigns, education, and sensitization programs that emphasize the importance of women’s empowerment and their equal participation in the workforce.

      • Enhancing access to education and skill development: Skill development programs should be designed to provide relevant and marketable skills, especially in emerging sectors. Special attention should be given to marginalized communities and rural areas to bridge the education and skills gap.

      • Strengthening legal frameworks and enforcing anti-discrimination laws: Strict implementation and enforcement of laws and regulations that prohibit gender discrimination in the workplace are essential. Measures should be taken to address workplace harassment, ensure equal pay for equal work, and provide avenues for reporting and redressal of grievances.

      • Facilitating access to finance and entrepreneurship support: Financial institutions should offer tailored financial products and services to women, including affordable credit, microfinance, and support for entrepreneurship. Initiatives such as setting up women-centric funds and providing business development services can help women start and run their businesses.

      • Investing in infrastructure and support services: The availability of safe and reliable transportation, affordable and quality childcare facilities, and supportive work environments are crucial for women’s employment. Government and private organizations should collaborate to develop the necessary infrastructure and services that facilitate women’s participation in the workforce.

      • Enhancing maternity benefits and work-life balance: Maternity leave policies should be strengthened to provide adequate paid leave and ensure job security for women.

      • Promoting women’s leadership and decision-making: Encouraging women’s representation in leadership positions and decision-making roles is crucial for creating inclusive work environments.

      • Strengthening data collection and monitoring: Regular data collection and monitoring of women’s employment indicators are essential to track progress, identify gaps, and inform evidence-based policies and interventions. Robust data collection mechanisms should be put in place to capture information on women’s employment, wages, occupational segregation, and barriers faced.

2. India and EU affirm commitment to work together on WTO reforms.

Topic: GS2: Important international institutions, GS3 – Development of economic policies.


      • Union Minister Piyush Goyal and European Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis emphasized the need to expedite the ongoing India-EU Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations.

      • The leaders discussed the importance of deepening the partnership between India and the European Union (EU) based on their commitment to democracy and rule-based international systems.


Need for WTO reforms:

      • Dispute resolution mechanism: India advocates for reforms in the WTO’s dispute settlement system to ensure transparency, fairness, and efficiency. There is a need to address issues related to the functioning and appointment of members to the Appellate Body, which plays a crucial role in resolving trade disputes.

      • Special and differential treatment (S&DT): S&DT provisions recognize the developmental needs and challenges faced by developing countries and provide them with flexibility and support to implement trade agreements.

      • Agriculture subsidies: India seeks reforms in WTO rules on agricultural subsidies, particularly those provided by developed countries. There is a need to address the imbalances in agricultural trade, reduce trade-distorting subsidies, and ensure fair competition for farmers, especially in developing countries.

      • Non-tariff barriers: India calls for addressing non-tariff barriers (NTBs) that impede market access for its products. NTBs, such as technical barriers to trade and sanitary and phytosanitary measures, should be based on scientific principles – and non-discriminatory to facilitate fair trade.

      • E-commerce: India stresses the need for inclusive and balanced e-commerce rules within the WTO framework. It advocates for addressing issues such as data localization, privacy, intellectual property rights, and capacity-building to ensure that developing countries can fully participate and benefit from the digital economy.

      • Services trade: India seeks greater market access opportunities for its services sector, which significantly contributes to its economy. Reforms in the services trade, including simplification of visa procedures and recognition of professional qualifications, would facilitate the movement of skilled professionals and enhance the services trade.

4. New cathode material can produce high-performance, cost-effective, environment-friendly Na-ion batteries as next-generation energy storage systems.

Topic: GS3 – Science and technology.


      • Scientists have developed new cathode materials for Sodium-ion batteries that address air/water instability and structural-cum-electrochemical instability.

      • The materials exhibit high electrochemical cyclic stability and stability upon exposure to air/water.

      • These cathode materials enable the development of cost-effective and sustainable energy storage systems for various applications, including consumer electronics, grid energy storage, renewable energy storage, and electric vehicles.

      • India, with its abundance of sodium sources, finds the upcoming Na-ion battery system significant in the Indian context.

      • Na-ion battery cells consist of cathode and anode active materials supported on metallic current collector foils, enabling reversible insertion/removal of Na-ion during charge/discharge.

For Enquiry




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