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31 January 2025 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) While the MSMEs play a pivotal role in the Indian economic landscape, they suffer from a variety of obstacles that have prevented the sector from realizing its true potential. Elucidate. (150 Words/10 Marks) Answer: MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises), are a significant segment of India’s economic fabric, contributing to industrial employment, value addition,…

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30 January 2025 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) What do you understand by ‘off budget borrowings? Discuss its implications on the fiscal health of the government. (150 Words/10 Marks) Answer: ● Off-budget borrowing refers to loans acquired by government agencies, such as public sector undertakings (PSUs), which are not accounted for in the government’s budget and fiscal deficits. they are obtained under…

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29 January 2025 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) What are the various factors that influence the inflation trends in the country? Highlighting the role played by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) to check inflation and promote the economic stability and growth prospects in the country. (150 Words/10 Marks) Answer: Inflation refers to a broad rise in the prices of goods and services…

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28 January 2025 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) Why is it said that India does not have an unemployment problem, it has wage problem? (150 Words/10 Marks) Answer: While a significant portion of the Indian population is employed, many are engaged in low-paying, informal sector jobs that lack job security and adequate working conditions. This phenomenon is characterized by underemployment, low wage…

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27 January 2025 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) Analyze the need for gender-responsive budgets and its impact in eliminating systemic gender inequality. (150 Words/10 Marks) Answer: Gender-responsive budgeting is an approach that ensures budgets are inclusive and equitable towards women. By examining and addressing the distinct and varied needs of women, these budgets aim to distribute resources fairly. Need for Gender-Responsive Budgets:…

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25 January 2025 : Daily Answer Writing

Q.1) The key to fighting ‘jobless growth’ is ‘inclusive growth’. Elaborate.(150 Words/10 Marks) Answer: Jobless growth refers to an economic situation where the economy grows, but it does not result in a significant increase in employment opportunities. Inclusive growth, on the other hand, aims at ensuring that the benefits of economic growth are distributed fairly…

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24 January 2025 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) Examine the significance of India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC). What are the potential geopolitical and geoeconomic benefits for India? (150 Words/10 Marks) Answer: The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor Project was signed on the sidelines of the G20 summit in New Delhi by Saudi Arabia, European Union, India, UAE, France, Germany, Italy, and US. The…

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22 January 2025 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) The Red Sea region has become a focal point of concern due to the skirmishes that have developed around it. Discuss the significance of the crisis for India. Also, highlight India’s role as a ‘net security provider’ in the region.  (150 Words/10 Marks)   Answer: Red Sea is a narrow inland sea that connects…

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21 January 2025 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) China’s rapid escalation of bilateral partnerships reflects a strategic pivot towards the developing world. In this context, analyse the impact of China’s engagement upon India’s position in the Global South.  (150 Words/10 Marks) Answer: India and China are two emerging powers that wield considerable geopolitical influence. However, their inimical and mutually competitive relations have…