Madhvacharya (Ce 1199-1278 Or Ce 1238–1317)

Madhvacharya (CE 1199-1278 or CE 1238–1317)

Madhvacharya was a revered Hindu philosopher and theologian, made a lasting impact on Indian philosophy. He is best known for introducing the Dvaita (dualistic) school of Vedanta, which proposed a fundamental distinction between the individual soul (Atman) and the ultimate reality (Brahman).  Who was Madhvacharya? Early Life of Madhvacharya Madhvacharya also known a Purna -Prajna…

Civil Disobedience Movement: Cause, Limitations, And Impact
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Civil Disobedience Movement: Cause, Limitations, And Impact

Civil Disobedience Movements Civil Disobedience Movement, one of the most pivotal episodes in India’s struggle for independence from British rule, was launched under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi in 1930. This non-violent movement aimed at defying British laws through Civil disobedience, marked a significant escalation from the earlier Non-Cooperation Movement, emphasizing not just refusal to…

Magadha Empire (544-320 BCE): Ancient India’s Glorious Kingdom (Ancient History Notes)

Magadha Empire The Magadha Empire was a significant ancient Indian kingdom, renowned for its contribution to India history and culture. Magadha Empire was Located in Current Day Bihar. Magadha Empire was founded by King Brihadratha, this foundational period, dating back to the 6th century BCE. With time it became a political and cultural hub under…

Administrative Unification Under The British Empire
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Administrative Unification under the British Empire

Administrative Unification under the British Empire The establishment of the British Empire allowed not only the political unification of the country but also Administrative and Economic unification. Pre-British India was divided into many feudal states, frequently struggling among themselves to extend their boundaries. A conception of unity existed, but that was limited to ‘geographical Unity’…

Annexation Of Sindh &Amp; Punjab By British- Complete Notes For Upsc
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Annexation of Sindh & Punjab by British- Complete Notes for UPSC

Annexation of Sindh & Punjab by British By 1818, the entire Indian subcontinent, except Punjab and Sindh, had been brought under British rule. They directly ruled some states, while in others, the British exercised paramount power. These areas were brought under British control through subsidiary alliance, the Principle of Paramountcy and, in several cases, through…

Debate On Future Strategy After Civil Disobedience Movement
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Debate on future strategy after Civil Disobedience Movement

Debate on future strategy after civil Disobedienc e movement In the Aftermath of the withdrawal of the Civil Disobedience Movement, a debate emerged among the nationalists regarding the future course of action in the near term. Different debate was initiated as follows: While Gandhi emphasized constructive work, which he thought would consolidate the masses for…

Early Political Activities: 1858-1905 [Complete Notes For Upsc]
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Early Political Activities: 1858-1905 [Complete Notes for UPSC]

Early Political Activities: 1858-1905 The revolt of 1857 was the first major large-scale revolt against the British. However, it failed to overthrow British imperialism. The failure of the revolt in 1857 demonstrated that revolutions based on old outlooks and social forces were ineffective against modern imperialism. In this aspect, the need arises for the political…

Peasant Movements In India- Complete Notes For Upsc
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Peasant Movements in India- Complete Notes for UPSC

Peasant Movements in India Peasant movements in India have been  pivotal in shaping the socio-political landscape, emerging as responses to oppressive feudal practices, high taxes, and exploitative colonial policies. Spanning from the 18th century to post-independence India, these movements varied in scope and impact, rallying for rights, fair land distribution, and against unjust economic burdens….

Revolt Of 1857
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Revolt of 1857

The Revolt of 1857 was one of the most significant watershed moments during British rule. During this revolt, various regions of north India spontaneously stood up against British rule. Garrison after garrison stood mutinied against their senior officers, and after the general public participation, it appeared that the British rule would end. However, the British…