ASEAN Full Form, History, Origin, Objectives and India ASEAN Relations
ASEAN Full Form

ASEAN Full form Representing Association of Southeast Asian Nations. ASEAN is a South Asian regional intergovernmental organization that promotes intergovernmental cooperation. ASEAN also promotes political, economic, security, educational, military, and socio-cultural integration among its members and other Asian countries.
ASEAN communicates often with other nations in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond ASEAN, a significant Shanghai Cooperation Organisation force, maintains a regional network of alliance and discussion representatives and is seen as a worldwide superpower, a primary Asia-Pacific cooperative union, and a powerful and effective organization by some.
- The motto of ASEAN is “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”.
- ASEAN Headquarters: Jakarta is the home of the ASEAN secretariat.
History of ASEAN
On August 8, 1967, the five founding representative nations of ASEAN (Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia) met in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Brunei joined on January 7, 1984.
- Vietnam officially joined on July 28,1997.
- Cambodia entered the fray on April 30,1999.
- Laos and Myanmar joined on July 23, 1997.
The signatory states signed the Amity and collaboration Treaty in 1976 to demonstrate their support for peace, friendship, and collaboration.
The ASEAN plus Three Forum, which comprised South Korea, China, and Japan, was created in 1997 to strengthen regional integration. ASEAN delegates have inked a commerce promoting free trade agreement. Members have also pledged not to develop nuclear weapons.
The East Asia Summit was established in 2005 with Australia, India, Russia, New Zealand, and the United States as founding members.
ASEAN Member Countries
Currently there are 10 ASEAN members and these are:
- Myanmar
- Cambodia
- Laos
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Brunei
- Singapore
- Philippines
- Malaysia
- Indonesia

Where does ASEAN’s origins lie?
The founding fathers of ASEAN signed the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) in 1967, establishing the organization.
ASEAN’s founding fathers are its initial five member countries Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.
1990s- Following the end of the Vietnam War in 1975 and the Cold War in 1997, and Cambodia in 1999.
1995- ASEAN Members signed to establish a nuclear free zone in Southeast Asia.
1997- Adoption of the ASEAN Vision 2020
2003- Bali Concord ll for the establishment of an ASEAN Community.
2007- Cebu Declaration, aimed to hasten the establishment of the ASEAN Community by 2015.
The ASEAN Charter enters into force and becomes a legally enforceable pact in 2008
The ASEAN community was established in 2015. The ASEAN Community is built on three pillars:
- Political Security Community of ASEAN
- Economic Community of ASEAN
- Socio-Cultural Community of ASEAN
ASEAN Basic Principles
The essential principles described in the TAC (Treaty of Amity and Cooperation) in Southeast Asia, which ASEAN member nations adopted in 1976, are detailed below.
- Common basis for all member states freedom, equality, and territorial sovereignty.
- A new Member State has the freedom to live its national life free of outside. interference, revolt, or forces.
- Not interfering with each other’s internal matters.
- Use cooperative methods to resolve problems or inconsistencies.
- Oppose the risk or use of power, and encourage actual collaboration among member states.
What are ASEAN’s Objectives?

- Accelerating economic growth, social improvement, and cultural development for a successful and peaceful Southeast Asian Society.
- To promote regional peace and stability by upholding justice and the rule of law, as well as adhering to the values of the United Nations Charter.
- To encourage active collaboration and mutual support in areas of shared interest such as economies, social science, culture, technology, science, and administration.
- To work together more effectively for increased agricultural and industrial utilization, trade development, transportation and communications improvements and enhancing people’s living conditions.
- To encourage Southeast Asian Studies
- To continue tight and mutually beneficial interaction with current international and regional groups.
India’s connection with ASEAN is a crucial pillar of her foreign policy and the cornerstone of Act East Policy. In Jakarta, India maintains a separate Mission to ASEAN and the EAST ASIA SUMMIT.
- India and ASEAN have previously had a dialogue partnership for 25 years, a summit level contact for 15 years, and a strategic partnership for 5 years.
- Economic Cooperation: ASEAN is India’s fourth largest commercial partner. India’s trade with ASEAN accounts for around 10.6% of total trade.
- India’s overall export to ASEAN accounts for around 11.28% of total exports. The ASEAN-INDIA Free Trade Agreement has been signed.
- The ASEAN India-Business Council (AIBC) was established in 2003 with the goal of bringing significant private sector actors from India and the ASEAN countries together on a single platform.
- Socio-Cultural Cooperation: Programmes to increase People to People contact with ASEAN, such as inviting ASEAN students to India, Special Training Course for ASEAN Diplomats, Parliamentarian Exchange and so on.
Funds: The following funds have offered financial support to ASEAN countries:
Funds for ASEAN INDIA Cooperation
- ASEAN INDIA Science and technology development fund.
- ASEAN – INDIA Green Fund
The Delhi Declaration recognises marine collaboration as a critical area of cooperation in the ASEAN-India strategic relationship.
The annual Track 1.5 meeting between ASEAN and India to discuss political, Security, and Economic issues is known as the Delhi Dialogue.
- ASEAN INDIA Centre (AIC): To conduct policy research, advocacy, and networking activities with Indian and ASEAN organizations and think tanks.
- Political Security Cooperation: India prioritized ASEAN in its Indo-Pacific Security and Cooperation Agenda.
FAQ’s Related to ASEAN Full form
What is the full form of ASEAN?
ASEAN full form representing Association of south East Asian Nations, a group of 10 south east Asian countries.
Who will be hosting ASEAN 2024?
Laos will chair ASEAN for the third time, beginning January 1,2024, with the theme “ASEAN: Enhancing Connectivity and Resilience” in the face of global and regional challenges.
Recently which country has joined ASEAN?
East Timor. East Timor has been granted ‘in principle’ membership in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). East Timor is southeast Asia’s youngest country, having earned independence from Indonesia in 2002 after 24 years of colonization.
When did India join ASEAN grouping?
The transformation of the relationship into a Strategic Partnership in 2012 was a natural evolution from the ground covered since India became an ASEAN Sectoral Partner in 1992, Dialogue Partners in 1996, and Summit Level Partner in 2002.
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